Story Behind The Label: Julien Cécillon Saint-Péray ‘Gemini’
Despite the traditionally simple aesthetic, the labels from Julien Cécillon have quite a bit of symbolism. The ‘leaf and ladder’ logo at the top alludes to DNA, and each rung of the ladder represents one of the nine previous generations of winemakers in his family.

The font for the ‘Saint-Peray’ appellation comes directly from the labels of Julien’s uncle, retired legendary winemaker Jean-Louis Grippat.
Like all of the cuvée names, this one has a very personal history. 2014 was the first year that Nancy Kerschen and Julien Cécillon produced this wine, and it was also the year that they had twin girls (who were supposed to be born in mid-June). According to Nancy, “We had a deadline for ordering our labels, and we did so when I was pregnant with certainty that they’d be born under the Gemini (twin star) sign. As it turns out they were born Cancers, which didn’t have a nice ring to the cuvée, so we kept the Gemini labels.”