Our Favorite Wine Memories with Josh, by the Paris Wine Company Team
As we carry on the PWC mission to share wonderful producers’ stories and wines, our team wanted to share a few of our favorite wine memories with Josh.

Ryan: Around a dinner table after the second edition of the wine weekend, we played a little game, talking about which appellation you’d be happy ‘only’ drinking for the rest of your lives. Everyone labored over the answer, but I remember Josh and I both saying ”Fleurie” without a moment’s hesitation. Josh’s love for Gamay was so contagious, and his passion for delicious Fleurie will always stay with me.
Courtault-Tardieux Rosé
Francesca: It’s hard to imagine a time when I’ll pop any bottle of wine without thinking of Josh. But one bottle stands out : the Pineau d’Aunis rosé from Domaine Tardieux-Gal (heretofore known as Domaine Courtault-Tardieux). I was brand new to the company, and in summer 2014 we placed a grouped order for this Loire rosé — the first company order if I remember correctly—which was a brave new world for me. Simon’s rosé has pepper, spice, and a subtly salty-strawberry depth to it, that’s made it my yearly house rosé, along with the Adlers.
Josh with Matthieu Vallée of Château Yvonne
Vicki: I was first introduced to Château Yvonne by Josh when I started at Paris Wine Company a few years back. For me, the wines were the epitome of what the company was about. They’re delicious, they have a great story, and they’re honestly made. We ended up enjoying these wines together at numerous PWCo functions over the years, including at Wine Weekend in Burgundy, his annual Thanksgiving Day gathering, casual office tastings and beyond. Popping these wines will always make me think of him and the great times we shared.
Tasting with Valentin Morel in the Jura
Justine: Right after the Wine Weekend, I took my first field trip to the Jura with the team. I remember being exhausted from the weekend in Burgundy, but we went to visit the vines of Valentin Morel and seeing Josh’s excitement discussing terroir and vinification processes with him helped me forget about the fatigue. We ended the day sharing stories over a cheese fondue and great wines ! Opening a bottle of Trousseau ‘Les Trouillots’ will always bring me back to that day and make me remember to cultivate this passion for wine like Josh did.
We love you, Josh.